my cape and i

Awhile ago, Soulemama was pondering whether she was shawl person or not. I pondered it as well and I thought no, not really me. It's weird because I have always loved shawls. My mom has a black silk shawl with real silver embroidery (the real silver part really got me as a kid) that we loved to look at. The shawl boxes at the costume shop I used to work at were some of my favorites to go through. I just worked on a show where everyone was bedecked in shawls. But I never wear them or even own one.
The other day I was at Winners and came across this cape/shawl thing in the clearance area. Black and white, merino wool, $18 instead of $129? Sold! I wasn't sure whether I would wear it or not but it turns out to be the perfect thing to keep me warm-not too warm (Fyi, the hole is intentional {there are 3 more} and I think originally housed a ribbon/belt to bind it together. Oh, wouldn't a skinny belt look cute?).
I didn't have any black grosgrain or velvet ribbon (alas) in the house so I added a button at the top to keep it from slipping off and now I wear it all the time. Sometimes with my gauntlets when I am feeling particularly Victorian governess.
Perhaps I am really a cape person. Time will tell.